Below you can find my research papers. For book chapters, policy briefs, etc. see my CV.
- Emily Myers, Audrey Sacks, Juan F. Tellez, and Erik Wibbels (2023). "Forced displacement, social cohesion, and the state: Evidence from eight new studies."
World Development
Publisher - Laia Balcells, Juan F. Tellez, and Francisco Villamil (2023). "The Wars of Others: The Effect of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine on Spanish Nationalism."
The Journal of Politics
Publisher - David Dow, Gabriella Levy, Diego Romero, and Juan F. Tellez (2023). "State absence, vengeance, and vigilantism in Guatemala."
Comparative Political Studies
- Emily Myers, Audrey Sacks, Juan F. Tellez, Erik Wibbels, and Stephen Winlker (2022). "Social Cohesion and Forced Displacement: A Synthesis of New Research."
World Bank Group
Publisher - Juan F. Tellez (2022). "Land, Opportunism, and Displacement in Civil Wars: Evidence from Colombia."
American Political Science Review
- Shahryar Minhas, Cassy Dorff, Margaret Foster, Max Gallop, Howard Liu, Juan F. Tellez, and Michael D. Ward (2021). "Taking dyads seriously."
Political Science Research Methods
Publisher - Juan F. Tellez (2021). "Peace without Impunity: Worldview in the Settlement of Civil Wars."
Journal of Politics
Publisher - Laia Balcells, Spencer Dorsey, and Juan F. Tellez (2021). "Repression and dissent in contemporary Catalonia."
British Journal of Political Science
- Juan F. Tellez, Anirudh Krishna, and Erik Wibbels (2020). "Local order, policing, and bribes: Evidence from India."
World Politics
Publisher - Kyle Beardsley, Howard Liu, Peter Mucha, David Siegel, and Juan F. Tellez (2020). "Hierarchy and the provision of order in international politics."
Journal of Politics
- Juan F. Tellez (2019). "Peace agreement design and public support for peace: Evidence from Colombia."
Journal of Peace Research
Publisher - Juan F. Tellez (2019). "Worlds apart: Conflict exposure and preferences for peace."
Journal of Conflict Resolution
Publisher - Juan F. Tellez and Jordan Roberts (2019). "The Rise of the Islamic State and changing patterns of cooperation in the Middle East."
International Interactions